Your privacy is important to Tanisha System Inc, and all subsidiaries and affiliates hereof (collectively “Tanisha Systems Inc”, “we” or “us”). Tanisha Systems Inc has issued this Privacy Policy (this “Policy”) to describe how we handle any Personal Information that any applicant, employee, or other staff member may provide to Tanisha Systems Inc during the process of applying for employment with Tanisha Systems Inc or during the course of employment with Tanisha Systems Inc (“Data”). The term “staff member” includes those who work on a non-permanent basis, including contingent workers, temporary workers, and interns. Tanisha Systems Inc respects the privacy rights of individuals and is committed to handling Data responsibly and in accordance with applicable law. This Policy describes the Data that we collect and process about you, the purposes of the process and the rights that you have in connection with it. Please take the time to read and understand this Policy, which should be read in conjunction with our other corporate policies and procedures. When appropriate, we will provide supplemental notices to cover any additional processing activities not mentioned in this document. If you have any comments or questions about this Policy, please contact Tanisha Systems Inc at the contact details mentioned below. Please address any questions or requests relating to this Policy to

Note: Your mobile information will not be sold or distributed to third parties for advertising or marketing purposes.


In the course of your employment at Tanisha Systems Inc, or when making an application for employment, we may process Data about you and your dependents, beneficiaries, and other individuals whose Personal Information has been provided to us by you. We use the term “Personal Information” (also called “personal information” or “personally identifiable information” in the laws of some jurisdictions) to refer to information that reasonably identifies, relates to, describes, or can be associated with you. Data that has been de–identified, anonymized, or aggregated, or that otherwise cannot reasonably be related back to a specific person is not considered Personal Information. The precise definition of Personal Information may vary depending on your state, province, or country of residence, but we take the same approach to protecting your privacy. The types of Data we may process include, but are not limited to:

  • Identification data – such as your name, social security number, gender, photograph, date of birth, employee, or staff member IDs.
  • Contact details – such as home and business address, telephone/email addresses, emergency contact details.
  • Employment details – such as title/position, office location, employment contract, performance and disciplinary records, grievance procedures, sickness/time-off records.
  • Background information – such as academic/professional qualifications, education, CV/resume, criminal records data (for vetting purposes, where permissible and in accordance with applicable law).
  • Government identifiers – such as government issued ID/passport, immigration/visa status, or national insurance numbers.
  • Information on your spouse/partner and/or dependents – such as your marital status, identification and contact data about them and information relevant to any Tanisha Systems Inc benefits extended to such people.
  • IT information – information required to provide access to company IT systems and networks (and information collected by / through those systems) such as IP addresses, log files and login information. We may also process sensitive Personal Information relating to you (and your spouse/partner and/or dependents). Sensitive Personal Information includes any information that reveals your racial or ethnic origin, religious, political, or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, trade union membership, criminal convictions, genetic data, biometric data for the purposes of unique identification, information about your health. In the United States, sensitive Personal Information also includes government identifiers (including social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or passport number), citizenship or immigration status, and precise geolocation data. As a general rule, we try not to collect or process any sensitive Personal Information about you, unless authorized by law or where necessary to comply with applicable laws or to provide benefits. We do not sell sensitive Personal Information collected under this Policy. In some circumstances, however, we may need to collect, or request on a voluntary disclosure basis, some Personal Information for legitimate employment-related purposes: for example, information about your racial/ethnic origin, gender and disabilities for the purposes of equal opportunities (on the basis that it is in the public interest and in accordance with applicable law), monitoring, to comply with anti-discrimination laws and for government reporting obligations; or information about your physical or mental condition to provide work-related accommodations, health and insurance benefits to you and your dependents, or to manage absences from work.


In most instances, you will have provided the information we hold about you, but there may be situations where we collect Data or Personal Information from other sources. For example, we may collect the following:

  • Certain background and other information from recruitment agencies, academic institutions, referees, background checking agencies and other third parties during your recruitment.
  • Information from publicly available sources (e.g. news sources and/or from social media platforms) in connection with any investigation or formal procedure concerning the same (for instance, for the investigation of an allegation that a staff member has breached our rules on social media use or conduct generally).


Data will be stored in accordance with applicable laws and kept as long as Tanisha Systems Inc has an ongoing legitimate business need to carry out the purposes described in this Policy or as otherwise required by applicable law. Generally this means this means that if your application for employment is unsuccessful, your Data is stored in our applicant’s data base for two (2) years from your most recent submission of Data. If you are hired by Tanisha Systems Inc, your Data will be retained until the end or your employment, employment application, or work relationship with us plus a reasonable period of time thereafter to respond to employment or work-related inquiries, comply with regulatory obligations, or to deal with any legal matters (e.g. judicial or disciplinary actions), document the proper deductions during and on termination of your employment or work relationship (e.g. to tax authorities), or to provide you with ongoing pensions or other benefits.


Pursuant to certain local, state, provincial, or federal law, you may have the right to request deletion of certain Data and/or sensitive Personal Information maintained by Tanisha Systems Inc. Tanisha Systems Inc will fully comply with all applicable legal and regulatory obligations, but as set forth herein, there are certain legal and regulatory obligations imposed on Tanisha Systems Inc which require certain Data and/or sensitive Personal Information maintained by Tanisha Systems Inc even if a request for deletion for same is made. In general terms, the following is an illustrative and non-exhaustive list of the types of Data and/or sensitive Personal Information which have to be retained by Tanisha Systems Inc:

  • Name
  • SSN
  • Date of birth
  • Payroll information (pay history, withholding history)
  • Existing benefits information for current employees
  • Racial/gender information retained for reporting purposes
  • Information required for tax filings
  • Records relating to HR investigations or actions
  • Background check reports which serve as the basis for an adverse employment decision or action against the subject employee.
  • Information that is required to be retained pursuant to applicable law Tanisha Systems Inc will respond to all requests we receive from individuals wishing to exercise their data deletion rights in accordance with applicable laws. Tanisha Systems Inc will need to verify your identify consistent with applicable data protection laws before processing any such request, which may require you to provide additional information so that we may verify that the Data subject to the request is of you.


Disclosed to
Name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, internet protocol (IP) address, device, browser, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers
Recruitment: employment or work related purposes; inclusion in the Tanisha Systems Inc Global Directory; other business purposes set forth
Tanisha Systems Inc; service providers; Client; public or governmental authorities
Customer records information
Name, signature, physical characteristics or description, address, telephone number, insurance policy number, education, employment, employment history, or other similar
Recruitment; employment or work related purposes; inclusion in the Tanisha Systems Inc Global Directory; other business purposes set forth
Tanisha Systems Inc; Client; service providers; public or governmental authorities
Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law
Age, race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, religion or creed, marital or familial status, medical condition, physical or mental disability, sex, veteran or military status, genetic information, and other similar information
Recruitment; employment or work related purposes
Tanisha Systems Inc; Client; service providers; public or governmental authorities
Internet or other similar network activity information
Browsing history, search history, information regarding consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement
Security and fraud prevention
Tanisha Systems Inc; client; service providers
Sensory data
Audio, electronic, visual, or similar information
Security and fraud prevention; inclusion in the Tanisha Systems Inc Global Directory
Tanisha Systems Inc; client; service providers
Professional or employment-related information
Employer, employment history, resumes and CVs, background checks, and other employment-related information
Recruitment; employment or work related purposes; inclusion in the Tanisha Systems Inc Global Directory; other business purposes set forth in Section 3 of the Policy
Tanisha Systems Inc; Client; service providers; public or governmental authorities
Education information
Records maintained by an educational agency or institution that pertain to a student, such as grades and transcripts
Tanisha Systems Inc; Client; service providers
Sensitive personal information
Social security, driver’s license, state ID, or passport number; racial or ethnic origin; union membership; biometric information; personal information concerning health, sex life, or sexual orientation.
Recruitment; employment or work related purposes
Tanisha Systems Inc; Client; service providers

The Personal Information described in the table above is collected directly from you, or from the sources set forth in the Policy, “Data Sources.” In addition to the parties described above, we may disclose your Personal Information to other third parties for legal, security, or safety purposes; to regulatory authorities, courts, and government agencies if required by applicable law; or with a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of our business, brands, affiliates, subsidiaries, or other assets.

We never sell your Personal Information, nor do we share it with third parties for any purposes not identified in the Policy. However, we may use de–identified, anonymized, or aggregated versions of your Personal Information for any purpose.


This Policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our privacy practices. Any updates will be noted at the top of the Policy with the most recent revision date. If significant changes are made, we will notify you through our intranet or company-wide email. We encourage you to review this Policy periodically to stay informed about the latest version. Please note that ‘Tanisha Systems, Inc.’ respects and does not discriminate against individuals who exercise their rights under relevant data protection laws.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the use of your information, or if you wish to exercise any rights under the NJCPA, please contact us using the information provided above.

Have a Question?  +1 212-729-6543